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Let's Encrypt becoming untrusted in 2021 for some

Let’s Encrypt is a fairly popular service offering free SSL/TLS certificates to those who are uninterested in the value-add of traditional certificate resellers. Historically, this CA has partnered with IdenTrust to provide this service as it has …


A Guide to Intermediate Certifiates

Intermediate certificates are often a topic of confusion. It’s understandable. We pay a lot of attention to root certificates as they require a lot of active management on the client. Leaf certificates on the endpoint are the star of the show – …


Understanding the SSL/TLS Racoon Attack

It’s that time again. As protocols mature, inevitably security vulnerabilities lurking beneath the surface are uncovered by security professionals. The so-called “Racoon” vulnerability is unusual however in that it affects TLS 1.2, arguably the most …


Understanding Certificate Cross-Signing

Certificate Cross-Signing is a nuance of PKI which is often poorly understood. This topic is particularly salient as of late, as a long-lived root certificate managed by Sectigo (formerly Comodo) expired, causing many unexpected problems for many …


Let’s Encrypt Revokes 3 Million Certificates

On Friday February 28th, Let’s Encrypt made the tough decision to revoke over 3 million certificates they had issued due to a bug in the software they use to validate CAA records. This gave companies relying on Let’s Encrypt under a week to replace …


Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and its Impact on Business

Computer System Vulnerabilities are a serious security issue that can find its way to our computers through harmless browsing activities. This can be as simple as visiting a website, clicking on a compromised message or downloading software with …

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